New BEC Statement & Resources on Systemic Racism, Violence, and Injustice

The Basic Education Coalition (BEC) affirms that Black Lives Matter and stands in solidarity with the movement, its global allies, and all those who are taking action against racial and ethnic violence and injustice. BEC promotes global peace and prosperity through education for all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sex, caste, gender, sexual orientation, ability, background, culture, experience, perspective, or nationality. We condemn acts of violence fueled by systemic racism and hate in the United States that undermine our mission of promoting a better life for children around the world. Equally, we condemn the exclusion of historically underrepresented groups in our work at home and abroad. 

We also believe that the development paradigm needs to increasingly shift towards a “people-first” approach, from an approach that works on behalf of people in local communities towards one that invests in the people in developing contexts themselves to prioritize problems and solutions and continuously improve over time. 

By establishing the BEC Anti-Racism, Diversity, & Inclusion Task Force, we aim to support the Black Lives Matter movement and condemn racism, violence, and exclusion. We are committed to working together to build a race equity culture within our Coalition and beyond by adopting a transformational approach, by learning and evolving together, and by changing our behaviors and mindsets, both as individuals and as a group.  

To encourage the broader International Basic Education community’s learning around anti-racism, diversity, and inclusion, we have compiled the following list of relevant and informative resources.

Click here or on the image below to access the resources.