USAID Releases 2011-2017 Progress Report

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Excerpt from page 2: On September 8, 2017 the President signed into law the Reinforcing Education Accountability in Development Act (READ Act), demonstrating the U.S. Government’s commitment that children in developing countries receive a quality basic education. The READ Act requires a comprehensive U.S. Government Strategy to promote basic education in partner countries. The new strategy will be an opportunity to put into practice lessons learned from USAID’s previous and ongoing education work.

This report builds upon the initial progress report released in 2016 by highlighting ongoing achievements and progress. The accomplishments laid out in the following pages will provide a significant foundation for USAID’s continued efforts to provide the world’s most vulnerable children and youth with an opportunity to receive a quality education, contribute to their communities and succeed later in life.

Excerpt from page 5 "USAID partners with more than 50 governments around the world to improve reading, increase access to education in crisis and conflict and provide employment opportunities. Since 2011, USAID education programs have reached 109 million children and youth - far more than the 66 million children enrolled in primary school in North America and Western Europe combined."

Read the full 2011-2017 USAID Education Strategy Progress Report