April 5 Virtual Launch Event: USAID's Guidance for Promoting Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Educational Materials

Wednesday, April 5
10am-11:00am EST

The Basic Education Coalition is honored to host the virtual launch of USAID's Guidance for Promoting Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Educational Materials

This guidance equips development workers to identify and create educational materials that promote equity and inclusion across the education continuum, from pre-primary through higher education, and within the populations they seek to serve.

What is promotion of equity and inclusion in educational materials, and why is it important?
Responsible and effective promotion of equity and inclusion in educational materials means:

  • Understanding the context in which the materials will be received, particularly demographic composition and intergroup relations;

  • Understanding the interactions between interventions within a given context and how such interactions are affected by group relations; and

  • Acting upon the understanding of these interactions to minimize negative impacts and maximize positive impacts of educational materials, to empower marginalized groups.

Educational materials that do not promote equity and inclusion can worsen marginalization. For example, if children or youth from one group have less access to requisite technology for distance learning materials, or if materials use derogatory slang terms to describe a marginalized group, those materials will reinforce systemic exclusion.

The event will also launch an exciting new Universal Design for Learning video by the Basic Education Coalition's Gender & Social Inclusion working group.