BEC EdTech Working Group Publishes Study Report: Governments' Organizational Responses to COVID-19 - Igniting Interest and Institutional Capacity in EdTech

Led by the Basic Education Coalition (BEC), the Governments’ Organizational Responses to COVID-19 - Igniting Interest and Institutional Capacity in EdTech study sought to understand what governments, specifically Ministries of Education (MoE), had to do organizationally to implement these programs, such as forging new partnerships, organizing and capacity building of personnel, developing or revising distance learning policies, and so on.

The information shared in this report stems from a global survey implemented across 12 countries in Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and South America with 23 responses from key MoE staff, including several department directors. In doing so, the study fills a knowledge gap for the international basic education sector and provides valuable insights to inform future education systems' capacity building programming. Insights and learnings surfaced from this study provide critical data on MoE capacity, technology investment, and other emerging structural shifts and strategies to support large-scale Education Technology (EdTech) programming and digital transformation of key activities.

Click here or on the image below to access the report.